Preeti Keyboard

G enerally, Preeti font used to type Preeti in Microsoft word documents cannot be used on the web as it requires Unicode Nepali Font.

Use our above tool to convert text into Unicode Nepali. After this you can use the text anywhere on the web or on other mobile and desktop applications.

Beside, you can also type in Preeti using Preeti keyboard mapping.

Nepali Currency Exchange
Currency Unit Nepali Rs.
U. S Dollar 1 Dollar ($) 136.6694 Rs
UK Pound 1 Pound (£) 170.7282 Rs
Euro 1 Euro 141.6051 Rs
Malaysian Ringgit 1 M. Ringgit 30.2936 Rs
Saudi Riyal 1 S. Riyal 36.3675 Rs
Bahrain Dinar 1 Dinar 362.3838 Rs
Qatari Riyal 1 Q. Riyal 37.3024 Rs