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Commonly Spoken Nepali to Malay Phrases

I Love you
म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु - (Ma timilai maya garchu)
Saya sayang awak
स्वागतम् - (Swagatam)
Selamat datang
नमस्ते - (Namaste)
How are you?
तपाईंलाई कस्तो छ - (Tapai kasto cha)
Apa khabar?
What is your name?
तपाईको नाम के हो ? - (Tapaiko naam ke ho?)
Siapa nama awak
Pleased to meet you
तपाईलाई भेटेर खुशी लाग्यो - (Tapaai laaii bhetera khushii laagyo)
Gembira bertemu dengan anda
Thank you
धन्यवाद - (Dhanyabaad)
Terima kasih
Excuse me / Sorry
माफ गनुस्! - (Maaf garnus!)
Maafkan saya / Maaf
Good morning
शुभ प्रभात or नमस्कार - (Subha Prabhat / Namaskar)
Selamat Pagi
Good afternoon
शुभ दोहोरो or नमस्कार - (Subha Dohoro / Namaskar)
Selamat petang
Do you speak English?
के तपाईँ अङ्ग्रेजी बोल्नुहुन्छ? - (Ke tapai angreji bolnuhuncha?)
Adakah anda bercakap bahasa Inggeris?
I don’t understand
मैले बुझिन - (Maile bujhina)
Saya tak faham
Please speak slowly
कृपया बिस्तारै बोल्नुहोस् - (Kripaya bistarai bolnuhos)
Tolong cakap perlahan-lahan
Where are the restrooms?
कहाँ शौचालयहरु छन् - (Kaha saucalayaharu chan)
Di manakah tandas?
Can I change money?
के म पैसा सात्न सक्छु? - (Ke ma paisa saatna sakchu?)
Bolehkah saya menukar wang?
How much is this?
यो कति हो? - (Yo kati ho?)
Berapa harga ini?
It’s too expensive!
यो धेरै महँगो छ! - (Yo dherai mahongo cha!)
Ia terlalu mahal!
Left / Right / Straight
बाँया / दाँया / सिधा - (Baaya/ daaya/ sidha)
Kiri / Kanan / Lurus
More Nepali Phrases ...

About Our Translation Tool

Nepali is spoken by over 30 million people around the world. It is the official language of Nepal and one of the 22 official languages spoken in India states of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Uttarakhand. It is also spoken by Nepalese communities living in Bhutan, Myanmar, Middle East, Brunei, Malaysia, the United States and other parts of Europe.

Malay, on the other hand, is spoken by over 290 million peoplestrong> worldwide. It is the official language of Malaysia and Brunei. Additionally, it is also spoken in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand.

Nepali and Malay are two distinct languages with different linguistic origins. Nepali belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family and is closely related to Hindi and other languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent. Malay, on the other hand, is an Austronesian language and is part of a larger language family that includes Indonesian, Javanese, and Tagalog.

When it comes to grammar, Nepali has a subject-object-verb sentence structure, similar to Hindi and Urdu. On the other hand, Malay follows a subject-verb-object sentence structure.

Furthermore, the writing systems used by the two languages are also different. Nepali uses the Devanagari script, similar to Hindi, while Malay uses the Latin alphabet known as Rumi script.

Despite these differences, both languages share some similarities. For example, both Nepali and Malay have a rich vocabulary influenced by their cultural and historical backgrounds. They also have regional dialects and variations that add to the linguistic diversity of their respective regions.

In addition to their languages, Nepali and Malay cultures have several similarities. Both cultures emphasise respect for elders and value family and community bonds. Festivals and religious celebrations such as Dashain and Tihar in Nepal and Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Deepavali in Malaysia play an important role in both cultures, with vibrant traditions and customs. Traditional clothing, such as the sarong in Malay culture and the Daura Suruwal in Nepali culture, showcase the cultural identity and heritage of the communities. Hospitality and food are also highly valued, with both Nepali and Malay cuisines offering a wide array of flavours and dishes.

Key Features of Our Translation Tool

Nepali sentences and phrases will be translated into Malay meanings.

For example, typing:
"नेपाली र मलय दुवै भाषाहरू संस्कृतबाट प्रभावित छन्। तिनीहरूले संस्कृतबाट शब्दावली र व्याकरणीय तत्वहरू उधारो लिएका छन्।" will be translated into "Kedua-dua bahasa Nepal dan Melayu telah dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Sanskrit. Mereka telah meminjam kosa kata dan unsur tatabahasa daripada bahasa Sanskrit."

Use our translator tool as Nepali to Malay dictionary.

For instance:
"माया" meaning in Malay will be "Cinta"
"सुन्दर" meaning in Malay will be "Kecantikan"

Powered by Google.

High accuracy rate.

Instant online translation.

Translate up to 1500 characters per request.

Unlimited translations available.

Get translated text in Unicode fonts, allowing you to easily copy and paste it anywhere on the Web or into desktop applications.

Best of all, this translation tool is FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Nepali To Malay text translation work?

Our translation service uses either Google or Microsoft to translate the text you type in Nepali.

Whenever you type a word, sentence, or phrase in Nepali, we send API requests to either Google or Microsoft for the translation. In return, they send back a response with the translated text in Malay.

Their system leverage machine-language technologies to bring together some cutting edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (deep learning), big data, Web APIs, cloud computing, and more to perform high-quality translations.

Can we download this translation service?

No. At the moment, you can only use our Nepali translation service online.

However, you can install the Chrome extension tool called Google Translate by visiting the Google Translate Chrome Extension link.

Once the translation tool is installed, you can highlight and right-click the section of text, then click on the "Translate" icon to translate it into the language of your choice. Additionally, you can translate entire web pages by clicking on the "Translate" icon in the browser toolbar.

This tool supports over 100 languages.

What other tools do you have for Nepali typing and translation?

We offer the following tools:

  1. Nepali Typing Input Tool (also known as Google Transliteration):

    With this tool, you can type in English and get the text in Nepali. For example, typing "malai nepali ra nepali bhasa mana parcha" will give you "मलाई नेपाली र नेपाली भाषा मन पर्छ". This makes typing in Nepali easy, as you don’t need to remember the complex Nepali keyboard layout. Please visit to use this tool.

    This Nepali typing tool is FREE. Additionally, you can email the text you have typed to anyone — including yourself.

  2. Nepali Unicode Typing:

    The online Nepali Unicode tool automatically converts any romanized text into Unicode Nepali. As you type, you’ll receive suggestions to make typing easier. Please visit this link to type in Unicode.

  3. Nepali Speech Translator:

    Nepali speech translation services are provided by both Microsoft and Google. They use their respective cognitive services to translate spoken words and phrases into the language of your choice. For some languages, you can also hear the translation spoken aloud.

    Microsoft Translator, in particular, powers speech translation features across its products, which can be used for live presentations, in-person or remote translated communication (e.g., Skype), media subtitling, customer support, and business intelligence.

How do I translate Nepali Text from an Image to Malay?

Our online software currently does not have a feature to translate Nepali text from an image.

However, if you have an Android or iOS device (iPhone or iPad), you can use your phone’s camera to translate signs or handwritten Nepali notes using the native Translate app. Please follow this instruction guide.

For those using a desktop or personal computer, you can use a well-established third-party website for this task.

We recommend Yandex Nepali Image Translator.

Is this translation FREE?

Yes, this Malay to Malay text translation is absolutely FREE. You can use our translation tool for both personal and commercial purposes.

However, we have the following restrictions:

  1. Per Request Limit: You can translate up to a maximum of 1500 words per request. However, there is no limit to the number of requests you can make.
  2. Daily Limit: While you can submit multiple requests for translation, you will not be able to translate once we reach our daily quota.

These restrictions are in place to prevent abuse of this service by robots or automated software.

Can I translate from Malay To Nepali?

Yes. To translate from Malay to Nepali, visit this link.

Why is the translated text not accurate?

As explained earlier, machine translation technology is used to perform the translation. This software is evolving every day, and over time, the translations will become more accurate — especially for commonly used phrases and sentences.

At the moment, it is not perfect, but our translation software is useful for those who need help framing sentences and getting a general idea of the message being conveyed.

For those who require a more accurate translation, there are plenty of websites that provide human translators for translating Nepali to Malay.